The Mission & Vision of Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild
Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild's mission is to equip, empower, and educate low income, young adults, ages 16-24, for a life beyond their current economic and social circumstance, by providing a safe, secure, and supportive environment while promoting community involvement, leadership training, personal and
professional development.
The overall vision of Connection Training Services’ Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild Program is to ensure that every participant’s experience is evidenced by personal transformation that forms change to their family and community.

Join Our New Cohort!
See Details Below.
William James
"Act as if what you do
makes a difference.
It does"
Our Objective
CTS received $1.1 million from the Dept. of Labor to fund the Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild Program. The overall objective of Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild is to offer Philadelphia’s youth the opportunity to participate in meaningful education and vocational training opportunities and experience that will better prepare them for post-secondary education, and to assume their roles as employees in the workplace of the future. To do this, CTS Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild will provide and stress the importance of a basic high school education, GED preparation, internships and training for all participants, while providing work readiness training and actual work experience.
Participants will be divided into groups based on their special academic needs. Each participant will have an individual plan that clearly delineates the pathway towards outcomes attainment and program success.
Your support helps our students reach their full potential.

Contact Project Y.E.S. YouthBuild
2233 W. Allegheny Ave. 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19132
(215) 430-0381 ext. 5564